Payments and Pricing
We accept all major credit cards via Stripe, Apple Pay or Google Pay for your convenience and peace of mind. We also accept bank transfers, Wise and Remitly.
Yes. Upon placing your order, you will receive an order confirmation email from us. Within 3 business days you will receive a pre-shipment video of your actual product, followed by another email with the tracking number for the shipment. Subject to your contact preferences, we would also like to contact you to obtain your feedback once you have received your package. You are more than welcome to contact us as many times as you wish throughout and after the order process.
Our prices are inclusive of sales tax. Please note that Customs may charge an import tax on your item(s) although this is rare. An exception applies for packages sent to European countries where a tax fee is typically applied, usually in the range of $5 to $30.
Pricing and Discounts
They are not, if you compare the quality. If you go to a street vendor, from Canal Street in New York to a market in Bangkok you can get a branded bag for as little as $10, but the quality will reflect the price you pay. You simply cannot purchase a high-quality replica handbag for $200 as the major costs come from the quality of the real leather, metal accessories and the level of craftsmanship. Any bags below $200 are mass produced with imitation leather, and labeled as triple AAA grade or similar, in other words nothing close to the originals nor a high-quality replica in any sense.
Many of our clients own authentic designer handbags and appreciate top quality 1:1 replicas, which are indistinguishable from the originals when it comes to the look and feel, but can be purchased at a fraction of the price from the originals.
We operate our fair pricing policy with our customers by offering you the best quality at outstanding value. As a result, we typically don’t offer discounts on first purchases unless we are running a temporary discount campaign. Be aware of any seller offering large discounts across all purchases as this reflects either high margins or a lack of sales from the seller.
We believe that you get what you pay for, and that it’s better to be safe than sorry. Why would anyone offer a large discount instead of adjusting their prices in the first instance? Our perspective is that they understand large discounts create a sense of urgency to purchase, but this is fictitious value and often means the seller is struggling to sell their items at full price or has high margins as a starting point.
By becoming a repeat customer, you can join our Loyalty Program and enjoy discounts from your second purchase onwards, subject to having kept your first purchased item. Once you have received your first order, we will be contacting you with the details to join our Loyalty Program.
If you wish to make a group first purchase, please email us at or contact us and we will offer you a discount on the group items.